Our mission is to empower independent coffee shops with the resources to take on the corporate chains.

We are creating an app that helps customers locate local independent coffee shops in the Chicago area. Our goal is to increase exposure for small businesses that don’t have the same marketing resources as the big corporations. They will be able to expand their reach to a new set of customers, as well as offer exclusive discounts and promotions through the app.

All of the cafes featured on our app will be small businesses. No chains. No big business. The idea is to create strength in numbers in the battle of David vs. Goliath.

There are already many food service apps out there to order from, so why us? Great question. For starters, there are many exorbitant fees that businesses need to pay in order to take orders through some of these apps. *On some of the most popular apps, fees can range from 15%-30% commission. Some of these apps also charge additionally for having a tablet in store to accept orders, or to integrate with the existing point-of-sale (P.O.S.). We won’t do that. Our rate will be set at a 5% commission to the businesses, that’s it! A relatively small finder fee to effectively run our business while at the same time providing a boost to our partners. Plus, our app will cater specifically to coffee shops and cafes, so customers won’t need to sort through all the clutter to find what they’re looking for!

If you are interested in being updated as we make progress towards our launch, please enter your email in our form below!

(example search on our app)

*based on our research of the most popular apps in the service market